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Emma hodges deskgram

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  2. #Emma hodges deskgram trial#

Other candidates include Assembly Member Susan Bonilla (Concord) and Terry Kremin. Glazer will run against three other Democrats, including Joan Buchanan of Alamo, who termed out in December as the California Assembly member representing Lamorinda and other District 16 communities. The District 7 seat was vacated by Mark DeSaulnier, who was elected to represent Lamorinda in Congress following George Miller’s retirement. Helpful hues for good feng shui – page D6. He is also now in his fourth year of an eight-year term as a Brown-appointed member of the California Jerry Brown, managed Brown’s successful 2010 gubernatorial campaign, and has also counseled CalChamberPAC, the California Chamber of Commerce’s political action committee. Glazer, a former political advisor to Gov. All in!” Orinda Union School District Board of Trustees Member Julie Rossiter also tweeted her support. Will remain focused “on problem solving over partisanship.” In response, Orinda City Council Member Dean Orr tweeted, “Best news item of the week. “The issues I previously campaigned about remain urgent priorities: a compassionate state government that lives within its financial means banning BART strikes reining in our unfunded public pensions greater support for education but with reforms in teacher discipline and seniority affordable higher education, independence from special interests, and protecting our environment.” He added that he Stating via Facebook that he expects to see “more bricks flying my way from entrenched and powerful interests,” he explained his rationale for filing papers late in the day Jan. Voters deserve an opportunity to elect a fiscally conservative, independently minded, bi-partisan problem solver.” With that simple tweet, Orinda Mayor Steve Glazer announced his 2015

emma hodges deskgram

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emma hodges deskgram

They pull them up my stairs and when they get in the arena they start running circles around me.”. “Owners tell me that their dogs start barking as soon as the car enters Bollinger Canyon Road. “Dogs love coming here to be trained,” she says. Her family could not have dogs, so she got her first German Sheppard and trained it after she got married. “It was a neighbor's dog and I taught him to sit,” she remembers. The Moraga resident started dog training at age 9. Orinda Mayor Steve Glazer Announces Run for California Senate Sweet Berkeley 1940’s fixer steps from Tilden Park Call for details. Two Lafayette Elementary School student artist winners – page B3. If they are understood, she says, they give their best with joy. She thinks something can be learned from each breed.

emma hodges deskgram

The real secret to her success is she loves them to pieces. She does acknowledge, however, that dogs immediately recognize that she is in charge. But she says she’s not an alpha female: “We are far removed from wolves,” she says with a smile. While small in stature, Howard emanates a purposefulness and determination.

#Emma hodges deskgram how to#

News A2 - A12 Life in Lamorinda B1 - B10 Classified B7 Not to be Missed B8-B9 HOW TO CONTACT US B9 Service Directory B10 Food B10 Sports C1 - C3 Love Lafayette C4 Our Homes D1 -D12 This Week Read About: Ambulance Contract A8 Crime Cam Delayed A6 AUHSD Budget Woes A11 Casual Carpool App B1 Obituaries B6 SMC Exhibits B7 Local Musicians B7 SMC Basketball C1 She now trains one-on-one in her own facility with dogs and their owners who want to compete. For more than 25 years she has managed one of the largest obedience schools in the country, with more than 70 American Kennel Club obedience titles to her credit. People come from all over the country to spend time with the Bollinger Canyon trainer who can make the meekest dog of any breed a champion. Udie Howard is a legend in the world of obedience training for dogs in the United States.

#Emma hodges deskgram trial#

Moraga dog trainer Judie Howard works with Ryder, preparing for obedience trial competition. 26,000 copies delivered bi-weekly to Lamorinda homes & businesses

Emma hodges deskgram